
Agroecological Logbooks: Transgressing the reality of rural women in the North-East of Brazil through learning

The feminist and agroecological movement in Brazil and its grassroots innovations focus strongly on collective learning as a way to strengthen women’s movements in isolated rural areas, with it, aiming to for women to transform and transgress their social reality.

Therefore this is an interesting place were activism, critical and collective learning interface with sustainability issues that can help regenerate our current food systems in just and emancipatory ways. The Agroecological Logbooks (ALs) (or Cadernetas Agroecologicas) are a pedagogical-political tool that help reenforcing rural women’s resilience in issues like biodiversity conservation and regeneration, climate change adaptations and mitigation while recognizing and strengthening their crucial role in food sovereignty and solidarity economies. Come and learn with the learning ecology surrounding the Agroecological Logbooks, and join the movement of feminism in agroecology!

Picture Esther project .jpg

Protest made by women during the X Congresso Brasileiro de Agroecologia
Authors photo: Sarah Luiza, Liliam Teles