Thesis subject
Assessing the interactions among water and nutrients controlling crop production
The Environmental Systems Analysis Group provides the possibility for students to do their thesis in collaboration with our group. The topics mentioned below are part of a larger theme. Please feel free to contact Prof De Vries, Dr Ros or Ms Young MSc (right) for more information.
Possible theses:
Assessing the integrative impact of macro, meso and micronutrients on crop uptake
The main aim of this thesis is to explore and quantify the interactive effects of multi-nutrients on crop growth and nutrient uptake, thereby improving the calculation of soil nutrient supply.
- First-hand searching, screening, and collection of data reported by field studies;
- Extending and modelling of crop nutrient uptake and crop growth using QUEFTS;
- Evaluation of crop fertiliser practices (dose, location, timing) on crop yield across multiple climate zones.
Assessing the nutrient use efficiency of fertilisers
The main aim of this thesis is to quantify the main uptake efficiency of added fertilizers (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Zn, and Cu) when added to a soil in response to site conditions (e.g. weather).
- First-hand searching, screening, and collection of data reported by field studies;
- Integration into meta-analysis to analyze effects of management;
- Collection of data on site properties (co-variates) around Europe or comparing temperate and tropical zones: soil, climate, and crop properties as well as co-management;
- If time allows, include multiple regression of co-variates on above-mentioned management impacts.
Investigation of water and nutrient interactions determining crop growth
The main objective of this thesis is to unravel the interactions among water, nutrients and crop growth.
- First-hand searching, screening, and collection of data reported by field studies;
- Assess potential of a stream concentration factor linking empirical soil process formulations with simple crop nutrient uptake functions for variable moisture contents;
- Illustrate the impacts of water-nutrient interactions for various crops in Africa, EU or NL.
Investigation into field studies on the fate of fluor or chloride in agroecosystems: systematic literature review or meta-analysis work
- There are currently limited meta-analysis studies on fluor or chloride;
- This thesis could collect relevant recent field study data on the effects of management practice on fluor or chloride in crop, soil, and environment;
- Depending on data collection, a meta-analysis or quantification by other techniques could be performed.