
Climate Information for Adaptation

Are you a PhD or postdoc dealing with complex climate change adaptation challenges in water management, agriculture or are you specialized in climate change adaptation? And do you want to understand and learn how to use climate information, models and scenario’s in a demand driven instead of a data driven way? In this summer school professionals and PhD students will learn together and from each other in a mixed classroom, across multiple areas in climate change and its adaptation.

Organised by Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research (WIMEK)

Mon 3 July 2023 until Fri 7 July 2023

Duration 5 days
Venue Wageningen Campus


Are you a PhD or postdoc dealing with complex climate change adaptation challenges in water management, agriculture or are you specialized in climate change adaptation? And do you want to understand and learn how to use climate information, models and scenario’s in a demand driven instead of a data driven way? In this summer school professionals and PhD students will learn together and from each other in a mixed classroom, across multiple areas in climate change and its adaptation.

This summer school is a co-creation space for better understanding collaboration in (cross-boundary) learning among researchers and professionals. You will work in a multidisciplinary team to develop a specific case study proposed by one of the team members.

Target group

PhD candidates and postdocs who are dealing with complex climate change adaptation challenges in different fields (f.i water management, agriculture, nature based solutions, policy making etc.).

In addition, in order to exchange knowledge and to gain experience with the professionals in this field, this course is also open for people working the professional field on similar topics; for example policy makers, project leaders or data scientists in these fields.

Webpage for professional participants

Learning goals

  • To understand and use climate information, models and scenarios
  • To identify potential climate data sources
  • To understand how information supports decision making in adaptation planning
  • To assess uncertainty and communicate it with your clients or relevant stakeholders
  • To gain an understanding how scientists and professional can work together on adaptation issues


Learning activities include lectures, to introduce new concepts and knowledge, group discussions centered around case studies and tutorials to guide you in the use of climate information to support climate adaptation. In the middle of the week you will participate in a scientific symposium. For the use of climate data this summer school has a two level approach you can choose from:

  • Basic level: searching and understanding time series for specific point in a case study (use of excel)
  • Programming level: searching and processing climate data for a specific case study (use of Python)


Day 1 - Monday 3 July

  • Adaptation planning and management for water and agriculture - Raffaele Vignola
  • Data resources introduction: observations, reanalysis and models - Ronald Hutjes
  • Data discovery: data production chain and choosing the right data - Ronald Hutjes

Day 2 - Tuesday 4 July

  • User engagement and participatory approaches for adaptation
  • Designing a practical engagement for the symposium - Maria del Pozo Garcia
  • Bias correction and downscaling - Spyros Paparrizos, Ronald Hutjes, Samuel Sutanto and Rutger Dankers
  • Data processing: data production chain and processing data - Spyros Paparrizos, Ronald Hutjes, Samuel Sutanto and Rutger Dankers

Day 3 - Wednesday 5 July: Symposium Climate Information for Adaptation


  • Prof Fulco Ludwig WUR - Chair WSG
  • Prof Daniela Jacob - Editor-in-Chief of Journal “Climate Services”
  • Jorge Paz Jimenez - Researcher Tecnalia
  • Prof Suraje Dessai - Chair in Climate Change Adaptation
  • Dr Katherine Vincent - Kulima Integrated Development Solutions
  • Dr Hasse Goosen - Climate Adaptation Services (CAS)
  • Dr Saskia Werners - United Nations University

Day 4 - Thursday 6 July

  • Climate models for climate scenarios and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways - Rutger Dankers or Ronald Hutje
  • Uncertainty, robustness and confidence - Fulco Ludwig
  • Uncertainty, design and communication of visuals and products
  • Data processing: towards the design of outcomes - Ronald Hutjes, Samuel Sutanto, Spyros Paparrizos

Day 5 - Friday 7 July

  • Finalization of case studies, presentations and
    wrap up


  • Reduced fee PhD candidates Wageningen Graduate schools with an approved TSP: €150
  • SENSE PhD candidates €300
  • All other PhD candidates €340
  • Wageningen Postdocs: €340

The fee does not include accommodation, breakfast and dinner (apart from dinner on day 1). Accommodation is not included in the fee of the course, but there are several possibilities in Wageningen. For information on B&B’s and hotels in Wageningen please visit Another option is Short Stay Wageningen. Furthermore Airbnb offers several rooms in the area. Note that besides the restaurants in Wageningen, there are also options to have dinner at Wageningen Campus.

Cancellation Conditions

  • Up to 4 (four) weeks prior to the start of the course, cancellation is free of charge.
  • Up to 2 (two) weeks prior to the start of the course, a fee of € 150,- will be charged.
  • In case of cancellation within two weeks prior to the start of the course, a fee of € 300,- will be charged.
  • If you do not show at all, a fee of € 450,- will nevertheless be charged.

Note: If you would like to cancel your registration, ALWAYS inform us. By NOT paying the participation fee, your registration is NOT automatically cancelled (and do note that you will be kept to the cancellation conditions).

Also note that when there are not enough participants, we can cancel the course. We will inform you if this is the case a week after the early bird deadline. Please take this into account when arranging your trip to the course (I.e. check the re-imburstment policies).

More information