How corporate transparency and accountability can drive food systems on November 24
In order to drive the dramatic shift needed to align business with the goals of the food systems transformation agenda, transparency and accountability of company performance is key. The Sustainability Consortium, the Access to Nutrition Initiative and the World Benchmarking Alliance each produce tools for such measurement. This knowledge can facilitate dialogue between leading businesses and their stakeholders, prompting innovation and solutions for some of the toughest SDG challenges.
For the private sector to play its part, we need consensus on what is expected of companies, in addition to better and more timely insights into actual performance. Accountability mechanisms, such as indices and their methodologies, are core to this as they translate the needs and expectations of stakeholders into a measurable business action, providing a recipe of change for the private sector.
This session will build on the push for corporate transparency and accountability that aims to contribute to the delivery of all the Action Tracks.