Student testimonial
Iris - Student BSc Soil, Water, atmosphere
"Soil, Water, Atmosphere is a study programme in which you gain knowledge on the processes of system earth in a very practical way. What I like most about the study is that you spend relatively a lot of time outdoors. I chose Wageningen because it is not so massive; this makes it more personal than in other cities. Wageningen is a small but cosy town where you will always meet acquaintances. I live in the centre of Wageningen. That is ideal, because you can just roll into the pub with your friends!”
Initially I came to Wageningen for meteorology.
Study programme
"Initially, I came to Wageningen to study meteorology, but I noticed that hydrology interested me more because of its versatility. I have a broad interest, but if you really want to specialise, you get the chance to do so. Because it is a smaller programme, you have a lot of contact with your fellow students and lecturers. This makes the field excursions always very pleasant! During the bachelor the field excursions are often located in the Netherlands however, you get the change to follow courses abroad in your third year. For example, in my third year I went to the Ardennes and this year I am going to Iceland!”
Student life
“Besides my studies, I am also very active in the study association Pyrus. I organised the student drill championship for 350 participants. At this event, various teams from within and outside Wageningen compete against each other to see who can drill an auger into the ground the fastest. This championship is always the highlight of the year and this year it even fell within the Lustrum of Pyrus, which resulted in an even bigger party.”
Future plans
“I want to specialise in aquatic ecology, which involves assessing water quality and the ecology of lakes. I am also doing a minor in the more social side of water: integrated water management. For my internship, I would like to go to Australia or South America.”