Knowledge support LWV
The DDHT Knowledge Management project aims to identify the knowledge needs and opportunities in the field of data science and AI within WUR. In first instance, our focus is on projects within the DDHT program; later also WUR-wide projects will be considered.
Data science is an area with many developments and applications, including those in the agri-food sector. Because tools and techniques are used in very different problem areas, the accumulation of knowledge and skills can become fragmented. That is why a cross-domain inventory of the various applications is necessary. In this way we find out where the opportunities lie by making full use of the potential of data science and AI. Moreover, we can learn from each other.
In this project an overview is made of where WUR stands in the field of data science and AI. We do this by means of interviews with the researchers who are active within the Data Driven & High Tech program. By clearly mapping the state-of-the-art and the needs of researchers, workshops can be formulated that link up with questions that arise in multiple domains. Policy officers from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality are welcome at these workshops.
Existing and new projects can benefit from the overview of the knowledge needs and opportunities. The resulting ideas can for example be carried out in the following year within DD&HT as Small Innovative Projects. In addition, we are starting to develop an online portal for sharing (knowledge in the field of) people, techniques, workflows, methods, algorithms, etc. that are accessible to everyone at WUR.