
Opportunity Identification Competence. Explaining individual and exploring team opportunity identification by employees

Yvette Baggen


Among all Europeans between 24 and 65 years old who had a tertiary educational degree in 2010, 2.8% were working. In the same age group, 68.3% who completed secondary schooling were working. Only 46% of those who did not complete secondary schooling were working.


After Yvette successfully finished the master Educational Design and Consultancy in 2012 at Utrecht University, she worked as an educational consultant and trainer for higher education at ICLON (Leiden University) for one year. Since autumn 2013, she is active as a PhD candidate for the LLLight’in’Europe research project.


The LLLight’in’Europe project is part of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), an initiative supporting high-impact projects crucial for “responding to Europe‘s needs in terms of jobs and competitiveness, and to maintain leadership in the global knowledge economy”.  The project is a cooperation of nine European and international research institutions, and is furthermore supported by the OECD and Cedefop. It will run from January 2012 until September 2016 (

The scope of the PhD project is on the relation between organizational learning and innovation in companies (mainly) from the agriculture and food sector. By investigating individual, group, and organizational level learning and innovation activities, we aim to gain more insight into the process behind innovation and especially the role of human capital in innovation.


  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational learning
  • Opportunity competence

Project Team

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