Second International Nematology Congress (SINC)

The Second International Nematology Congress (SINC) organized in Veldhoven, The Netherlands in 1990, on behalf of the European Society of Nematologists (ESN), the Organization of Tropical American Nematologists (OTAN) and the Society of Nematologists (SON), offered ample opportunity for the international community nematologists to discuss the progress in Nematology. Progress in this rapidly expanding filed of science was illustrated at the congress in more than 400 contributed papers and posters. The topics ranged from basic approaches in which molecular techniques play an important role in unraveling nematode-plant interactions, species identification and assessments of intraspecific variations to aspects at the level of ecosystems in the important field of applied nematology. Among others recent developments in nematode sampling, crop loss assessment, outlooks for novel nematicides, behavior of nematicides in soils and tropical nematology were presented. The abstracts of these papers and posters were published in Nematologica 36 (1990): 327-403.

Organizing committee:

Prof. dr. ir. A.F. van der Wal (Chair)

E.M.P. Groeneveld-Vervloed (Secretary)

dhr. van Zilfhout (Treasurer)

Dr. ir. F.J. Gommers (Scientific Program)

Dr. ir. A. Mulder

Drs. W. Heijbroek

Ir. J. Kort