
Studying combined with chronic illness or informal care? WUR helps!

Published on
November 25, 2021

Did you know that roughly one in five students is chronically ill, has psychological problems, has to deal with special family circumstances or combines a study with top-class sport or business? One in eight students say they could use some help with this.

Fortunately, students in Wageningen are satisfied with the help they receive!

This is revealed by research of the Expertise Centre for Inclusive Education (in Dutch) based on the Dutch National Student Survey.

I noticed that there were plenty of fellow students who needed extra support during their studies. It's very important to seek help in time. (...) That help gave me peace and security. And slowly but surely, I learned to deal with my problems.
Siri about studying with dyslexia

Other government research (in Dutch) also shows that stress among students is intensifying.

Who may need a helping hand?

Top-class sport, entrepreneurship or chronic illness are, of course, quite different reasons for needing support.

The research shows that the greatest need for support lies with students with a functional disability. Most of them struggle with dyslexia or mental illness.

This is what students at Wageningen University & Research appreciate

The survey asked students how satisfied they were with the support provided by their educational institution. Wageningen University & Research (WUR) scored the highest with a score of 3.7 among bachelor's students and slightly lower among master's students (3.6 on a scale of 5).

Satisfaction with this support is comprised of a number of components, such as satisfaction with: the point of contact, understanding, financial compensation, provision of information and educational, testing and self-study facilities.

In need of help? This is where you can get it!

Is something making studying difficult for you? Then you can turn to your study advisor for help.

In addition, student counsellors can provide you with advice and assistance with various arrangements, such as facilities for examinations or financial support in case of study delay.

Need help? See who you can turn to!