
The photosynthesis lab

The photosynthesis lab is an initiative by the Centre for Crop Systems Analysis (CSA) and the Horticulture and Product Physiology group (HPP) to jointly advance the level of photosynthesis research in Wageningen. In this lab, expertise and experimentation on photosynthesis come together to develop the next generation of plant and crop photosynthesis research and teaching.

If you are interested in photosynthesis, at leaf and/or crop scale, and like to develop new approaches for research or teaching, then this is the lab for you!

The lab very much welcomes students that wants to do their BSc- or MSc thesis, research practice or a teaching based project. Within the lab there are a number of possibilities to do your own project, broadly within the following categories:

Development and use of novel photosynthesis measuring techniques

When you are interested in novel measuring techniques, you have an ease to work with technical stuff and are familiar (or not afraid to start) with R and/or Python, a project on one of the many novel techniques being developed in the lab may be for you! For example, integrating multiple optical measurement techniques (Chlorophyll Fluorescence (PSII), absorbance changes (PSI) and Electrochromic Shift) with gas exchange for simultaneous measurements of CO2, H2O, electron and proton-fluxes in photosynthesis.

Do in-depth physiological research on climate-plant-interactions

Are you fascinated by how plants adapt their photosynthesis to the climate they grown in? Are you interested in effects of climate change? Then you can investigate that in the lab with state-of-art measurement equipment to unravel the physiological basis of these interactions and effects. You can think of interaction of photosynthesis with light (including spectrum and LED!), temperature, humidity and CO2, for leaves, plants or even small canopies!

Develop video’s/manuals/course material for using equipment and methods for photosynthesis research

When you have an interest or passion for teaching and/or science communication, then we have an opportunity for you! The lab aims to train the next generation of scientists in all things photosynthesis. We have a number of opportunities to develop instruction video’s, manuals or entire readers about photosynthesis and how to measure it!
