
Tool tip: Annotate the web and share it

Published on
February 18, 2020

In this tool tip we introduce, a free platform to annotate online material. In the series of 'Tool tips', Library staff reviews handy research tools. These tools may help you to publish your research, access literature, and handle data.

It can be quite challenging to keep track of your notes about material you read online. How to link the notes to the source and search through the notes? A tool like might help with annotating online sources. Hypothesis is a nonprofit organization and supports the development of open technologies and practices, which perfectly fits in the transition towards Open Science. Once registered you can create public annotations, private annotations or share your annotation in a private group.


Find comments

At the end of 2019 contained 8 million annotations on over 800,000 different documents. Since many annotations are public, also serves as a databases to find comments of others. You can search this database with public comments on e.g. specific domains or words on the page or in the comments.

Brightspace and

Furthermore, can be used in teaching as well, since integration with a Learning Management System (LMS) as Brightspace is possible. Teachers can use to let students add comments to papers or start a conversation about the texts.

For Chrome users an extension is available. For those who use other browsers a bookmarklet is available to annotate while reading online. At any time, you can find your annotations on your profile page. If you wish to export your annotation the platform advices you to use their API (Application Programming Interface).

Watch this 5 minute video to learn more about and see how the tool works. Want to give it a try? Visit the website and create an account.

In the series of Tool tips, Library staff reviews handy research tools. Think of tools that can help you with publishing your research, accessing literature, and managing data. Interested in other tool tips? You can find the links on the right hand side. And please do let us know if you have a research tool that might come in handy for others as well.