Thesis subject
Understanding household economics: the encounter between cash and moral economy, and the role of poverty
Many technologies that are introduced to farmers actually request a cash investment, to purchase seeds, fertilizer or otherwise. Many projects aim to increase rural household incomes. However, in the real world, farmers often tell researchers they could not buy the inputs because they had to pay the school fees, and they were not able to save money for buying inputs. In western Kenya, the NGO One Acre Fund seems to be very successful in organising farmers and providing them an adequate credit scheme.
How household economics look like and what are the rationales behind cash and non-cash transactions, and how do these play out for women and the very, chronically poor.
This research is relevant for and can be carried out in many context. For example in the Lake Zone in Tanania. Or in Yala, western Kenya, were we have some contacts and have carried out earlier research.
We are looking for a student who is interested in this study, and has preparation in qualitative data collection and analysis.