Wageningen Common Data Solutions Programme
On 1 February, the WDCC organised a 'Common Data Day' workshop at Impulse, which was attended by more than 50 participants. 19 projects within the Wageningen Common Data Solutions (WCDS) programme, spanning all 9 WR institutes, came together to share their progress and to identify the common ground between their projects.
The discussion focused on how to achieve ‘Wageningen common data solutions’ and what the next steps should be. Governance emerged as a critical aspect of achieving a shared data solution to address costs and responsibilities issues. Participants stressed the importance of aligning costs and accountability, along with facilitating initiatives across scientific disciplines. The idea of using platform-based solutions to efficiently spread costs across the WUR research institute was also suggested. The desire for long-term investment from the organisation was similarly highlighted.
It was agreed that the project team will revisit these topics in future WCDS workshops. If you want to learn more or exchange ideas, visit the Wageningen Common Data Solution Intranet Group, stay tuned for updates and events!