Open days Dairy Campus on 26th, 27th and 28th of May 2016
Over the past 1,5 year, Dairy Campus has been renewed completely. It has been developed into a unique innovation complex for the dairy sector. The place where research, education, and innovation go hand in hand for a successful future in dairy.
Visitors of the open days can experience the dairy sector during opening hours (9.30-15.30 hr) in the following ways:
- Over 40 companies in the dairysector present themselves. Their products can be experienced on the Dairy Campus terrain;
- Challenging conversations with researchers of Wageningen UR Livestock Research in 11 knowledge-kiosks on current themes. Common aim is to search for solutions, for the questions of tomorrow.
- Walking around using the map, to experience the several stables. Over 500 cows will be housed there in the near future.
On Saturday the 28th special activities are organised for the general public, with special attention for kids to let them feel, smell and taste the dairy farm.