Network Dairy Campus

Besides research facilities, we also have an extensive network in the national and international dairy supply chain, as well as expertise, knowledge and experience in project support, education and funding.

We have project support professionals <pagina-projectbegeleiding>, lecturers <pagina education> and expertise that all contribute to boosting innovation pathways in the dairy supply chain. One of these pathways is the top sector policy (<link naar topsectoren>). Within this policy of the Ministries of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and Economic Affairs (EZ), we work on issues relevant to climate-neutral agriculture and food production, circular agriculture and much more besides. We do this in close collaboration with the sector, the business community, government bodies, education and universities, including, of course, Wageningen University & Research. We also work with colleagues from knowledge institutes in national or EU calls   

In addition, we have our own Innovation Programme at Dairy Campus with an associated innovation fund. <link naar innovatiefondspagina>