Innovation program

Dairy Campus aims to increase the innovation power of the dairy chain and is therefore starting the ‘Innovation program Dairy Campus’ from 2014 onwards. With the Innovation fund enterprises are offered the possibility to carry out innovation projects on specific themes with financial support.

Anyone who works in the business sector and comes up with an innovative idea for the dairy sector can apply for funding for their research. The Dairy Campus Innovation Fund will consider applications for funding if the idea provides a solution in one of the following areas:

  • Sustainable livestock farming: animal welfare, health, environment
  • Farming systems: innovative cowshed concepts, labour-saving ideas etc.
  • Increasing the economic value of the chain: more efficient chains
  • Smart farming: smart use of technology

Parties who wish to make use of the Innovation fund may therefore apply. Dairy Campus sincerely invites enterprises to participate. You will find all the necessary information on this website. This program is co-financed by the collaboration ‘Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland (SNN)’.

What does the fund mean by an innovation project?

An innovation project is aiming at innovation of a product, process or system. It should lead to sustainable economic added value and it uses knowledge to solvesocietal challenges. The innovation project must contribute to breakthroughs within one of the four defined themes of the Innovation program of Dairy Campus:

  1. Valorisation of the dairy chain
  2. Sustainable livestock farming
  3. Innovative farming systems
  4. Smart Farming

Projects that do not comply can be carried out on Dairy Campus without support from this innovation program.

What kind of research is the Innovation fund meant for?

The Innovation program is meant to support innovative projects. Qualifying topics are: industrial research and experimental development. The latter also includes

the development and/or testing of new prototypes of products, processes or systems. Not qualifying topics are:

  • Carrying out fundamental scientific research.
  • Carrying out field tests of products before market introduction.

How much budget is available?

Annually, a maximum of one million euros is available from the Innovation program for supporting innovative projects. To facilitate you maximally this budget is divided over four submission rounds.

How many years will the Innovation program be running?

The program runs from 2014 up to and including 2022.

What is the maximum grant per project?

  • The contribution amounts to up to 50 % of the costs of Wageningen Livestock Research in the project.
  • The contribution to the non-personnel costs (materials, third parties) is limited to a maximum of 1/3 of the total contribution.
  • The maximum contribution per project is 400,000 Euros.
  • The remaining costs of Dairy Campus shall be borne by the project partners..

Can subsidies to support the project be applied for elsewhere?

If partners apply for subsidies for the project elsewhere it is not allowed to use the invoice of Dairy Campus to acquire public grants elsewhere.

What requirements must I meet?

  1. The application for the Innovation program must be submitted by at least one private party in collaboration with Dairy Campus.
  2. The innovation project must fit within one of the four themes of the Innovation program of Dairy Campus: Valorisation of the dairy chain, Sustainable livestock farming, Innovative farming systems and Smart Farming.
  3. The innovation project is carried out on Dairy Campus to a significant extent.

How can I apply for a subsidy to my innovation project?

  • Prior to the application, please contact Dairy Campus to prepare an application in collaboration with a specialist.
  • Subsequently, applications can be submitted by using the completed application form and signed agreement.

When can I apply?

Applications can be submitted continuously. 1 July 2018, 1 Oktober 2018
and 1 January 2019.

How are applications evaluated?

An independent Innovation committee evaluates the submitted applications four times a year. Evaluation takes place on base of the following criteria:

  • The contribution to one of the four main themes of the Innovation program;
  • The economic perspective of the proposed innovation;
  • The technical feasibility of the proposed innovation;
  • The degree of innovativeness of the chosen solution;
  • The quality of the partnership;
  • The degree of sustainability (people, planet, profit) of the chosen solution;
  • The contribution of the proposal to the societal appreciation of dairy production. 

The Innovation committee provides an evaluation and an advice to the board of Dairy Campus, which decides on the granting of the application within the available budget. No appeal is possible against this decision.

What about the confidentiality of the project and the results?

In all cases, a summary of the approved project application and a summary of the results is published.

Who is owner of the results of an innovation project

Each partner is owner of the results generated by that partner. When partners jointly generate results they jointly own the results.

Who has the right to use the results of the innovation project?

If partners want exclusive commercial use of the results further agreements with Dairy Campus on the conditions are made. If partners wish not to use this option, Dairy Campus is allowed to publish the results of which she is co-owner.

How can I get more information?

Would you like to get started with innovation in one of the mentioned themes in collaboration with Dairy Campus, please contact the office of Dairy Campus: +31 (0)317 484000 or send an email to: