
ECTS & Diploma Supplement

Wageningen University applies the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). ECTS is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent and thus helping to enhance the quality of higher education.

All information in the student charter and Study Handbook is based on the ECTS principles described in the Bologna process.

The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document accompanying a higher education diploma, providing a standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. It is produced by the higher education institutions according to standards agreed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.

Wageningen University is holder of the ECTS label since 2005 and holder of the DS label since 2011.

Details about ECTS & DS

ECTS credit allocation is based on student workload. One credit compares 28 hours of participating in education, taking interim examinations and studying. An academic year comprises 60 credits, divided into 6 periods of 6 or 12 credits. Based on student workload, ETCS credits are a standardised measure of study achievement and count independent of the location where they are obtained.

For Exchange students the ECTS Grading table is used for interpretation and conversion of grades between different countries and institutions. The Examining Boards are responsible for conversion credits and grades.

After graduating all students graduating from Wageningen University receive automatically (free of charge) a DS in English conform the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO. In the DS all relevant information about the degree is summarised: Legal status of the degree, learning outcomes, grades and grading table. Find DS examples on right side of this page.

Exchange students, not graduating from a WU study program, receive a Transcript of Records.

ECTS Institutional Coordinator

The ECTS Institutional Coordinator ensures the commitment of the institution to ECTS and manages the implementation of ECTS to ensure correct use of ECTS tools. Along with the Faculty Coordinator, the Institutional Coordinator is also responsible for:

  • coordination, preparation, production and dissemination of the institutional Information Package/Course Catalogue
  • consistency in transfer/accumulation of credits throughout Wageningen University

Contact person: Fred Jonker

ECTS Faculty Coordinator (ECTS-FC)

The ECTS Faculty Coordinator is the contact person for students and academic staff within the faculty, and deals with the practical and academic aspects of ECTS there. The Faculty Coordinator ensures that:

  • potential exchange students have access to the Information Packages/Course Catalogues from partner institutions
  • that exchange students fill in the Student Application Form and Learning Agreement
  • that exchange students understand the Academic Recognition procedures
  • a Transcript of Records is issued for outgoing students (before their period of study abroad)
  • a Transcript of Records is issued for incoming students (after their period of study at Wageningen University)

Contact person: Esther Heemskerk

DS Institutional Coordinator

The DS Institutional Coordinator ensures the commitment of the institution to the DS. The Institutional Coordinator ensures correct use of DS to improve the transparency of information about the completed degree in the DS.

Contact person: Fred Jonker