
First online edition Summer School Dairy, Nutrition and Health

Published on
February 9, 2021

Twenty-eight participants learned almost everything about dairy, nutrition, and health during the summer school in two weeks. The Wageningen Summer School Dairy, Nutrition and Health is organized by Wageningen Academy in collaboration with Friesland Campina Institute. The aim is to teach a varied, international group a lot in a short time.

Enthusiastic participants

In July 2021, 28 participants from Ethiopia, Italy, Singapore, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and China joined the first edition of the online interactive summer school - Dairy Nutrition and Health.

In terms of the industry background of the participants, 38% of the participants came from universities or research institutions. 46% of the participants were from different companies, with dairy companies accounting for half of the participants. The remaining 24% of the participants were distributed among government agencies, industrial organizations, and other industries.

In terms of participants' experience in the dairy sector, almost half of the participants have 5-10 years of experience in the dairy industry.

Based on their experience we asked the participants about their learnings and overall opinion of the Summer School.

This online summer school was an excellent opportunity to meet experts from around the world who have scientific knowledge and practical experience on milk and dairy products.

New knowledge on non-thermal processing, dairy consumption in different countries, lactose and general knowledge on milk.

This course not only provides knowledge but also provide an opportunity to know more people, discuss with expert, exchange their ideas.

Participant profile 2021 edition SSDNH

Is there nothing to improve?

According to the participants there is not, as they scored 100% on meeting their expectations, value of money and willingness to recommend this program to others. Impressive.

The overall score is 4.85 out of 5.00. So, actually, there are some minor adjustments that could be made for the 2022 edition. Especially the group assignments and interaction parts will be re-considered as they could be scheduled even more as we learned.

Next edition

There will also be a Summer School Dairy, Nutrition and Health in 2022. For more information visit the course page.