Incubator project: Co-production and digital platforms for sustainability governance
This incubator aims to make an elaborate inventory and to reflect on methodological approaches to co-production of ICT-enabled environmental information systems and their implications across various domains of the Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance.
Researchers in various domains of the Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG) have a rich experience in co-producing knowledge with stakeholders involved in different forms of sustainability governance.
Increasingly, processes of co-production revolve around the study or development of digital infrastructures and platforms, the nexus between digital platforms, environmental knowledge and the (assumed) information needs of practitionersand decision-makers is a central concern.
These researchers participate in the development or evaluation of these systems, each with their own sets of concepts and questions. However, what we share are valuable experiences of working with various co-production methodologies and of the implications of digital platforms for knowledge co- or counter production.
This project is an incubator project of Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance