Alumnus testimonial
Sara – Junior Communication Advisor
‘’My supervisor is happy to thank Wageningen University & Research for my solid foundation in this regard, and I am happy to have received this opportunity here. A win-win situation!’’
Sara studied Communication, Health and Life Sciences at the Wageningen University & Research. When she graduated she got the opportunity to start as ‘Junior Communication Advisor’ for the strategic communication consultancy firm Facet&. Now she’s able to work in the field of crisis-, corporate- and environmental communication.
I have increasingly noticed how important it is to have background knowledge about stakeholder management, intercultural communication and persuasion techniques. Besides knowledge about sustainability and behavioural change.
Could you tell us more about your work experience after your master’s?
"While I was still busy graduating, I started my job at the strategic communications consultancy Facet&. Our clients are governments and semi-public authorities, such as: municipalities, care institutions and educational organisations. A place that didn't immediately seem logical for someone who had just graduated from university. But that was when I realised that I could really make a difference in the field of sustainability if I wanted to learn and understand both the political and social field of play.’’
What is your current job and how relates that to your study at Wageningen?
"Facet& supports organisations in the field of crisis communication, corporate communication and environmental communication. We also supervise projects and (storytelling) campaigns. In practice, this means that customers can come to us with all manner of questions. When two parties merge, a reorganisation takes place somewhere; or when an organisation ends up in crisis, we analyse the full situation and offer solutions (from a communication point of view). Good communication is crucial in such cases, but extremely difficult to master. Everyone, both internally and externally, should be informed, transparent and understandable. This is a challenge, but one that alternates with cheerful, 'smaller' projects. In our capacity, we are also asked to write social media messages, speeches, articles and flyers. In short: incredibly versatile work, ensuring there is never a dull moment!
I really learned a lot in the first six months. I think the most important thing is that every communication professional should stay curious. Keep on asking questions to find out what a customer really wants and how communication can answer that question. I owe this outlook, together with my critical stance, to this master's degree. I have increasingly noticed how important it is to have (scientific) background knowledge about stakeholder management, intercultural communication and persuasion techniques. It is also important to have knowledge about sustainability and behavioral change; issues that play key roles and are becoming increasingly important. My supervisor is happy to thank Wageningen University & Research for my solid foundation in this regard, and I am happy to have received this opportunity here. A win-win situation!’’