
The effect of seaweed blends on milk production and methane in lactating dairy cows

Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions related to livestock farming plays a central role in the transition to a sustainable, climate friendly future. Proposed solutions should also be sustainable, which is often a challenge in this transition. Feeding dairy cows a seaweed blend has the potential to reduce enteric methane emissions, and thereby contribute to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the whole ruminant sector.

Seaweed blends are a mix of multiple seaweed species with a proposed additive effect. The rationale is that carefully selected seaweed blends can potentially improve the feed efficiency and milk output per cow, and also reduce enteric methane emissions. The results of previous commercial trials Ocean Harvest Technology conducted with their proprietary seaweed blends were promising. The trials with dairy cows showed an approximate 5% improvement in milk yield and composition when supplemented with the propietary seaweed blend. In an in vitro study, the seaweed blend reduced methane emissions by up to 20%. If these results can be confirmed, then farmers have the potential to produce milk with a lower carbon footprint and potentially higher economic value.


To evaluate the effect of mixing seaweed blends in the daily ration of dairy cows on animal production characteristics and enteric methane production.


The full report will be delivered by WLR to Ocean Harvest Technology at the end date of the project.