
World conference on livestock genetics with a Dutch touch

Published on
April 23, 2021

The 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP) will take place from 3 to 8 July 2022 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The Animal Breeding and Genomics group of Wageningen University & Research plays an important role in organising and hosting this exciting event.

What is WCGALP?

WCGALP is the foremost conference for researchers and professionals involved in genetic improvement of livestock. The aim of WCGALP is to share knowledge on innovations in animal breeding that enables livestock production chains to meet future needs, and to interact with colleagues from all around the world. The conference is held every four years. The previous two editions took place in Vancouver (Canada, 2014; ~1400 attendees) and Auckland (New Zealand, 2018; ~1200 attendees).

Program of WCGALP 2022

The scientific program consists of various oral and poster sessions that focus on societal and methodological challenges in the field of animal breeding. In addition to the scientific program, several networking events are organized, including a visit to Blijdorp Zoo and a conference dinner in the Laurenskerk.

Attending or sponsoring WCGALP 2022?

To attend WCGALP, you can register on the WCGALP website from 1 September 2021 onwards. Abstract submissions open 1 September 2021 as well. It is also possible to sponsor the conference (see the website). To ensure a safe conference for everyone involved, the organisers are investigating all different options on how to best deal with Covid-19.